Allen's Cross B31 1UJ - 154201

Closed 3 Dec 2021

Opened 5 Nov 2021

Results updated 14 Dec 2021

Following the local public engagement the poster below confirms our final plans for the new branch.



We are delighted to let you know that following the temporary closure of Allen's Cross Post Office we will be re-opening the branch on 15 December 2021.  This will be in a new location - Premier, 36 Fitzroy Road, Birmingham, B31 5PD

Your new Post Office branch

Customers will access Post Office services at a low-screened, open-plan, modern serving point that’s part of the retail counter. Working with the postmaster, we’ll adapt the current store layout, fixtures and fittings to accommodate the Post Office till if needed. The branch will offer a range of Post Office products and services.

We have provided posters for display in the local area to let customers know the good news. 

We are keen to restore services to this community as soon as possible so we are now progressing with these plans. However, we would welcome suggestions about specific aspects of the change that might benefit customers, particularly on the following areas: access arrangements and the internal layout.

What happens next

Thank you for your support in restoring the Post Office service in Allen's Cross.